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3 Security Additions to Boost Your Rental Property

It's important to make sure your rental property remains secure. Not only will it help your tenants feel safe at home, but it will also help keep your property from becoming damaged.

As a landlord, you can pass on benefits to your tenants by adding specific security additions to your rental property. As a tenant, you can enjoy the benefits of a safer home. 

If you live in a rental property, you may need to get permission to add security features. Always ask your landlord before adding anything to a rental property.

Whether you're a tenant or a landlord, you can add security to your rental property easily. Let's look at three of the best additions to add more security for your rental property.

External Lighting

One of the best ways to keep criminals away is by installing external lighting. These lights can be motion-activated and will help to deter break-ins at your rental property.

When a criminal knows they can be seen, they are likely to leave. You want to add external lighting to the main entrance, at least. It's better if you can add motion sensor lighting to all entrances and any other dark areas where someone might try to break into the property.

Another option is to add external lighting on a timer. These lights will come in as the sun goes down if the timer is set properly.

Add a Front Door Camera

With the amount of package thefts going up, it's a good idea to add a front door camera to your rental property. As a landlord, you want to make sure your tenant has access to this camera only. They should feel safe and you should make sure their privacy is protected.

As a tenant, you might be able to install this type of camera with the permission of your landlord. Most of these cameras are wireless and work on home Wi-Fi signals. You won't have to worry about anything more than a few screws for installation, so most landlords will likely be just fine with it.

A front door camera allows you to see who is at the door. It will also record any activity in front of the door, whether it's a delivery or someone trying to swipe your package.

A Full Security System

Landlords can offer a great benefit to tenants by installing a full security system. This system can help to ensure entry points are protected, and may also include security cameras. When you install a security system for your rental property, you will want to make sure it helps secure the property correctly. Hiring a professional for the installation is the best option.

It may seem like an expense you don't want to take on, but you can actually charge a premium if you offer a security system. Good tenants will pay a little more each month to gain the protection of a home security system.

There are several things you can do to ensure your rental property is more secure. As the landlord, you can add security features and charge a premium. As a tenant, as long as you have permission, you can enjoy a safer home.