What to consider before duplicating your office keys

When you run a business, you don't want keys to your front door in just anybody's hands. Duplicating office keys is necessary, sometimes, but you want to make sure it's done in the correct manner.

The last thing you need is old employees with a key to your building. What if they decide to use that key to break in? Maybe they will or maybe they won't, but why take the chance?

Before you duplicate your office keys, there are a few things to consider.

The Risk

Duplicating your office keys could put a key into the hands of the wrong person. You might also lose control over who can duplicate your keys. With a duplicate, you might give it to someone that takes it and gets more copies made. This can become risky.

Even if a key says "Do Not Copy" on it, not all locksmiths or key makers will pay attention to this. There are also machines out there where someone could get a key copied, even if it's stamped with this.

You can use a patented keying system to help make it harder for others to duplicate your office keys. With the help of a good commercial locksmith, you can set up a patented keying system that only allows authorized personnel to get copies of the keys.

Do you Need a Master Key System?

In some cases, it makes sense to have a master key system. This key will work on all of the doors in your office. However, you can have other keys created only allowing specific access throughout the building.

If you decide to use this type of system, you will need to be very careful with your grand master key. If it becomes duplicated, someone will be able to use it in any lock in your building.

Those offices with high turnover may want to use interchangeable cores. These cores can be changed in am atter of minutes. They keep lost or stolen keys from working in your locks.

Re-Key Your Office

If you've already had office keys duplicated and you know there are some rogue keys out there, it's time to have your office re-keyed. This will allow you to get a whole new set of keys and start your system over. Often, this is necessary, if you cannot retrieve a key from a former employee.

While it's considered unethical and even unlawful to make a copy of an office key, if you don't own the business, it still happens. Sometimes, it leads to break-ins or other issues you really don't want. Re-keying allows you to reset the system and start from scratch. It makes all the old keys obsolete.

If you're trying to get duplicated keys made for your office, you want to be careful. A duplicate in the wrong hands can be a big issue for your business. It's always important to know who has access to your office. Be careful whenever you duplicate keys and always use a professional locksmith.