What to look for in a home safe

Have you been looking for a way to protect some of the most precious items in your home, like old family photos, expensive jewelry, and important documents like birth certificates? A home safe may be the perfect solution for you to keep items that you want to protect from a fire or other disaster, especially when it comes to a priceless heirloom or family photos.

You can use a safe for a more secure location to store things like your will, car titles, sensitive computer data, and passports so that in the event of a flood, fire, or burglary, you can ensure these items will likely go untouched. Take a look at what you should be looking for in a home safe.

What to consider before buying a safe

First, you’ll want to consider a few points before making your safe purchase. Things like size, features, and use are important to know before getting a safe for the home.

Do you want a safe with fire protection, water protection, and theft protection, or are you only concerned with one of these areas? What items will you be keeping in the safe? You’ll need to know this so that you can choose the correct size.

Where in the home will the safe need to go? This will affect the safe type, whether it’s a wall safe or floor safe.  Consider the size you’ll need, the budget you can afford, the location, and the elements of protection you want in a safe.  Then talk to your professional locksmith about safe installation to get it bolted down in the home so that a burglar can’t walk off with it.  

A home safe

Types of safes

There are a variety of safe types that you’ll want to consider for your needs. Most people like to have a fireproof or water resistant safe in the home in the event of fire or flooding, but there are other specialty safes that could be beneficial to you, like a jewelry safe, data safe, burglary safe, and gun safe. They can range from anywhere as low as $25 to a few hundred dollars.

Since you’ll want to store documents that are easy to grab in an emergency or important enough that they shouldn’t just be left out, you’ll want to get something that can hold everything from your passports to your tax returns. Get one big enough to store the following:

  • “power of attorney” document

  • insurance policies

  • social security cards

  • a copy of your will, deeds

  • emergency cash

  • camera negatives

  • anything of value!

You’ll want one that can also store important collections like baseball cards or stamps that are irreplaceable. Valuable items like tape recordings or flash drives, engagement rings, computer data, and family heirlooms here need to go here as well. You’d be smart to keep a photo or video inventory of the home in here.

Look for a low UL rating on the safe since the lower the number, the better protection from fire, and be sure to place items into resealable plastic bags to help prevent water damage. You can choose between a dial lock like a school locker would have or a digital lock like you’d see in hotel safes. A safe on the ground can handle more weight and be bolted down while a wall safe is going to hold less weight.

A jewelry safe may make sense in your bedroom closet but a burglar would probably never look for your jewelry in a basement, so the location of the safe is an important decision. While fire is the most common reason for a loss of assets, burglary and water damage follow, making fire protection the most important element in your decision for a safe.

A burglary safe will have a harder lock to pick and more weight to deter a home invader. Consider where in the home you are most likely to have a burglar invade, where you are likely to see flooding, and where you are likely to still be able to access the items without too much trouble.

If you were to lose everything in your home, what would be the most devastating thing to lose? Consider getting a safe for your home to protect those items that would hurt the most to lose. In the event of an emergency, you can focus on your family’s safety knowing that those irreplaceable items are already stowed away in that home safe.

Adding a Deadbolt Lock for Added Security

Sometimes feeling safe in your home requires you to take some extra steps to make that happen. For many, adding a deadbolt is just the solution they need. A deadbolt lock works by locking your door by turning a knob rather than having a spring involved like a regular lock.

This means that the deadbolt can only be opened through a key or knob, making it very difficult to break-in. Due to their increased likelihood of resisting a forced entry; it’s a popular choice among homeowners and offices. Take a look at your options for adding a deadbolt lock for added security on your property.

security lock

Why deadbolts work so well

Deadbolts are known to be powerful locks that deter thieves that know they can’t break through them. When a robber is trying to break in your front or back door, even the most experienced ones won’t be able to open a door that has a deadbolt locking it in place.

While a kick on the door or other methods of taking down a door can work on a standard lock, it doesn’t work on a durable deadbolt. Deadbolts are considered the reliable option for locking up your property since they require locking and unlocking from the exterior and interior of the property.

Types of deadbolts

You may be wondering what a deadbolt lock is like and if you’ll have to choose between different options. There are actually three main types of deadbolts, making it easy to choose the one that works best for you. You’ll choose between a single cylinder, a double cylinder, and a keyless cylinder.

The single cylinder is the simplest option in which you’ll open from one side through a key while using the thumb piece on the interior side. This is a great option for those with doors that have on breakable glass since an intruder would break the glass and turn the knob to enter.

The double cylinder requires a key to activate it from both sides. This is the option you’ll want if you have breakable glass on the door since the intruder would need a key. You’ll just have to be careful because this type of lock can slow you down if you were to need to exit quickly, such as in the event of a fire.

The third route is the keyless cylinder deadbolt, the easiest to operate of all, allowing you to leave and enter without any key at all. You’ll use a password or fingerprint scan, closing it with a button or knob rather than locking with a key.

The drawbacks of them

While deadbolts are an amazing security feature, there are drawbacks to any route you go. You’ll have to come up with a difficult password to avoid an intruder guessing it and getting inside. The double keyed deadbolt can cause for a panic when trying to get out during an emergency and you could get stuck inside the house if you forget your password. Be sure to get a bump resistant deadbolt because these are susceptible to lock bumping.

Brands and costs to expect

If you’re sold on a deadbolt, expect to pay around $30-$50 or higher depending on what features you want. Brands like Schlage, Kwikset, and Code-a-key all sell deadbolts at a variety of price points.

If you’re looking for the ultimate protection against a break-in, call your professional locksmith to have deadbolts installed on your property today.

How to decide if you need a camera security system

A camera security system is becoming more and more common for homeowners, but is it a good idea? You may be considering adding this to your home to improve your home security, but do you know the impact it will have? Not only do you have to consider what your goal is behind the cameras, but you’ll have to understand laws like filming restrictions. Take a look at this guide to make sure you are prepared before you have a camera security system installed in order to feel confident going into the process.

The need for a surveillance system

First, you should make sure that you have a clear reason for getting a camera security system installed. If you’re trying to protect your home from vandalism or you want to keep an eye on your home when you’re away, it can be a great form of assistance for you and your family. Perhaps you want to keep an eye on the property in the middle of the night or while you’re away on vacation. There are many reasons to have a security system aside from the help of your neighbor’s watchful eyes.

If you have a business to protect, a camera security system can be extremely helpful. You can keep one watching your inventory, watching your cash registers, or keeping an eye out for shoplifters. There are many reasons to have a security system, but it’s important that you know the implications of one discussed below.

security camera system

Things to be aware of if you have one

If you’re considering getting a system, you’ll want to make sure you can accept some of the implications of having one. For example, did you know that your cameras can’t film other people’s homes, restrooms, dressing rooms, or locker rooms?

This means that you cannot film in your office restroom or pointed in your neighbor’s house, but you are allowed to film anything that is considered a public place, such as the exterior of the neighbor’s home. You are also not allowed to gather audio from a remote recording or eavesdropping. Be careful to follow the laws of filming if you are going to get a home security system.

You’ll want to understand that you can’t only rely on your security cameras since they are all going to vary in what they can offer you. It is possible to have your cameras hacked into, but you can add security measures and change your password in the event of this situation.

You’ll also need to make sure you are spending enough to get a camera that can film clearly because a poor quality will do you no good when it’s time to show a tape to the police. Be sure to look for a high-end camera system with features like motion detection and text notifications. Work with a professional to make sure you position your cameras properly and be sure to ask about features such as weather resistance, internet options, and tech support.

If you are considering getting a camera security system, be sure that you have thought through the reasoning behind it, the laws of having one and using the footage, and the questions to ask before you buy one. Talk to a professional before adding this enhanced security feature to your home or business.

Are Smart Locks as Secure as Traditional Locks?

Have you considered getting into the smart lock trend rather than using a traditional lock on your home? Locks on homes to keep them secure have been common for many years, but locks are starting to evolve to incorporate technology into its design.

Home security is more important than ever and sometimes the good old fashioned lock and key doesn’t feel sufficient enough to protect such an expensive investment. Some are making the switch to smart locks to add extra protection that will deter a criminal in seconds. Take a look at how traditional locks work vs. smart locks and why you may want to make the switch.

How traditional locks work

First, to understand smart locks, you need to get a better sense of how the traditional lock works. Traditional locks consist of varieties including rim locks, pin tumbler locks, and mortise locks. Pin-tumbler locks are the most common option for residential homes working as a series of spring-loaded pins loaded into cylinders.

These cylinders consist of pins made up of key pins and driver pins that require the correct key to elevate the key pins to push the drive pins upward. Having the right key in the lock allows the driver pins and key pins to align, allowing the key to turn in order to lock or unlock the mechanism. A wrong key would have misaligned pins blocking the key from being turned.

traditional lock

While traditional locks are very secure if installed and secured by a professional, the question begs whether or not they are the best measure of securing the home. Many homeowners choose a deadbolt for exterior residential locks, whether it be a single cylinder or double cylinder deadbolt, to provide maximum security for their strength and durability. Traditional locks can always be enhanced with solid metal strike plates, longer deadbolt throws, locks resistant to lock picking, lock bumping, and more.

What is a smart lock and is it better?

Homeowners now have the option to go with a smart lock over the traditional lock option. Just like you are automating other areas of your home, you can now automate your home’s locks and control them remotely with the help of technology.

Rather than opening your door with the turn of a key, you’ll now be controlling and operating your lock from a smart device. You’ll be able to not only control your lock from your phone or tablet, but you’ll be able to monitor when it was opened and add features like cameras.

How does the smart lock work? Just like a traditional lock, you’ll have a professional locksmith handle the installation of your smart lock and it will work differently with any company you work with. Some companies will essentially replace your traditional locks with one that looks just like a typical deadbolt and helps you set it up on your phone to communicate with the lock.


Other companies will add on to your existing lock for the interior of your door and connect you to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. You’ll communicate with the lock with your smartphone or Bluetooth and you can control it remotely with Wi-Fi by sending a notification to the sensor to unlock it. A third option would be with companies that replace your deadbolt with a Wi-Fi enabled camera lock where you’ll get two programmable key fobs and four accounts that get their own digital key.

Security concerns and improvements

While it may seem that smart locks are the way of the future, there may be concerns for hacking over the traditional lock picking concerns. Since it relies on technology, you have to worry about security vulnerabilities from hackers or from the fact that having your Wi-Fi service go down will affect your ability to leave and enter your home.

Even if you blacklisted a key from getting in, they could take down your Wi-Fi and get in through your Bluetooth network. You are relying on being able to talk to the cloud to get in and out of your home, which means you need to have the internet up and running, but you’re also paying premiums to have technology incorporated into your home security. For renters that have electronic keys, losing a key and replacing it is not a cheap process.

In addition to hacking possibilities, a criminal will always have the option to try to break in through the windows or break down your door despite your lock of choice. On the other hand, you’ll deter those that know how to pick locks by throwing them for a loop with your unique lock of choice.

While smart locks warrant consideration, traditional locks still appear to be more secure than smart locks and have years of use to prove their worthiness in the battle between the two. Making modifications to your traditional lock is one of the great ways you can improve your home security, such as adding security pins and making the deadbolt longer. Regardless which type of lock you decide to use, The Professional Locksmith, right here in Chicago, can help you with all your needs.