What Factors Influence the Cost of Locksmith Services?

Sooner or later, you'll likely need a locksmith. While it may not be a service you count on regularly if you get locked out of your home or car, you need to replace or rekey a lock, or you need a safe installed, you'll likely call a locksmith.

When the time comes for you to call a Chicago locksmith, it's a good idea to understand what factors will influence the cost of locksmith services. Here are a few factors that will be taken into consideration when determining the cost.

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The Actual Service

You may only think of locksmiths helping you get into your car or home when you've been locked out. However, a locksmith provides many other services, such as rekeying locks, replacing doors, key duplication, safe installation, and more.

When you hire a locksmith, the type of service you require will be the starting point for determining the cost. The same amount won't be charged for opening a jammed lock compared to installing a new door or safe in your home. The skills needed, along with the time necessary for the service will help to determine the cost you will pay.

Type of Lock

One of the biggest factors in the cost of locksmith services is the type of lock. A complex lock will take longer to access and may cost more than a simple lock. With the massive selection of locks on the market today, it's necessary for locksmiths to determine the cost of their services based on the time and skill they will need to invest.

Mortise locks, high-security locks, and interchangeable core cylinder locks won't come in at the same cost, as they are all a bit different. Your locksmith will need to know the type of lock they are dealing with before they can provide an estimate of the cost.


When a locksmith comes to your home, your car, or your office, they will charge a specific fee based on how far they have to drive. Some locksmiths have a flat, built-in fee for a specific service area and will charge extra for any job outside of their service area. Hiring a local Chicago locksmith will help keep the cost lower if they don't have to travel as far to get to you.

Time of Day, Day of the Week

Some locksmiths charge an additional fee depending on the time of the day or the day of the week. Usually, this will apply to any emergency services, as simply having a lock installed or rekeyed may be a service you can schedule during regular business hours.

The cost of locksmith services will likely be higher on weekends, holidays, and after business hours. Make sure you ask if there's a fee for requesting services during these times.

Demand or Availability

Locksmiths work on a first-come, first-serve basis. Even though they may set appointments for non-emergency jobs, they won't leave a job because you have an emergency. Choosing a company offering locksmith services compared to an individual locksmith is a good idea.

Not only will you avoid paying extra due to an individual locksmith being in high demand, but you may also receive a faster response. Most locksmith companies have a team of locksmiths, which means if one isn't available, another will likely be available to help you.

When it comes to the cost of locksmith services, it really comes down to the location of the job, the complexity of the job, the skills necessary, the time of day/week, and the availability of the locksmith. Make sure you ask what fees you can expect up-front before you hire a locksmith or you may be surprised by something you didn't expect.

How can a locksmith improve my home security?

Typically people think to call the locksmith only when they need out of a jam. You can actually call a locksmith to help you with improving your home security. Just like when you see the doctor for preventative care, you can have a locksmith come help with preventative security threats to your home.

While a locksmith is the one to call when you’ve lost your keys or need to change the locks to your home, you can also call them to replace your window locks, to reinforce the door, and to get a security system installed. Take a look at these reasons and more your locksmith is going to help you improve your home security.

Reinforce your door

One thing that your locksmith can do to start off your efforts of improved home security is to reinforce your door. It’s possible that an intruder could kick in your door and it’s how many people end up with an intrusion. Don’t allow a criminal to kick in the door by reinforcing it with a professional locksmith.

Installing a deadbolt and high-security lock

Now that your doors are more secure like when the house was first built, you could install a deadbolt that will ensure it’s extremely difficult to break-in. just the presence of a deadbolt will convince a criminal to go elsewhere. Deadbolts will decrease the chances of a thief gaining entry, along with your reinforced door. They also can’t be pried open with a card.

The Professional Locksmith can reinforce doors and install deadlocks

You could also use this as a chance to install high-security locks. Getting locks on the door that can’t be picked at or drilled will give you peace of mind and decrease the threat of a break-in. Make sure to have a professional locksmith help with you both of these services.

Smart locks and cameras

Use the latest technology to your advantage. Smart locks are a great way to improve your home security. These are great for homes and offices and will come with a motion sensor camera that will detect the tiniest movements and alert you. Get a smart lock with a camera on the front door.

While you are getting security cameras, make sure you put a sign up to show criminals they will be filmed if they attempt anything. If something were to happen, you’d have video evidence and you would be able to watch a smart device from inside the home or another location as long as you have an internet connection.

Replace your window locks

While you’re reinforcing the doors, installing new locks, and setting up your security cameras, you should also keep in mind that windows can be a vulnerable place for an intruder. Your window locks can wear down over time so it’s important to replace them as needed. If there is a damaged window lock, an intruder may find it as they are attempting any way to get into your home. A locksmith can get these installed for you once you’ve chosen the option you want.

Minimalize your keyring

Lastly, having so many keys can feel overwhelming, especially on your keychain that you use all day. Getting one key to fit all is a great way to simplify your life and have everything you need on you. A locksmith can do a rekeying of all of your locks to have it so that it only requires one key to get inside the home. You won’t have to worry about forgetting a certain key and you’ll have a lighter keychain too. One key could open your front door, your shed, and more.

Call a professional locksmith today to get some of these preventative measures done on your home and you’ll have peace of mind like never before.

Does Every Locksmith Provide the Same Type of Service?

When you think of a locksmith in Chicago, you probably think of someone to help you get into your house or car when you're locked out. While a locksmith can certainly provide emergency lockout services, they provide much more.

Are all locksmiths created equal? No.

Do they all provide the same services? No.

Can any locksmith get you into your car or home when you're locked out? Yes.

You're not wrong to think a locksmith is there to help in an emergency. However, it's a good idea to understand the many other services provides by a professional locksmith.

Basic Services Locksmiths Provide:

Along with helping you get into your car, home, or office when you're locked out, a locksmith will also:

  • Duplicate Keys

  • Install Locks

  • Replace Locks

  • Install Lock Accessories, such as a Latch Guard

  • Rekey a Lock

Most locksmiths will provide all of these basic services, along with any other service having to do with a key or a lock.

Additional Services Some Locksmiths Provide

Not all locksmiths provide more than basic services. However, when you choose a locksmith, such as The Professional Locksmith, you can use them for much more than just emergency locksmith services.

Along with the basic services, a good locksmith will also provide:

Some of theprolock’s many service offerings

Some of these more specialized services allow your locksmith to do more for you. Whether you need a locksmith for commercial or residential needs, the right locksmith will do more for you than just help you get into your car, home or office when you're locked out.

Locksmiths that Specialize

While some locksmiths only work on automobiles, homes, or buildings, others cover everything. There's nothing wrong with a locksmith specializing in providing emergency lockout services or rekeying services. However, you gain many benefits by choosing a locksmith with the ability to do more for you than just help in an emergency.

When you choose a locksmith with the ability to provide multiple services, some of which don't even include a lock, you'll be able to get more done from someone you trust.

It's best to choose a locksmith that knows how to do everything you need. Some locksmiths don't deal with specific types of keys, and they cannot make security recommendations for you. Whether you're running a business or just need help with a lock at home, choosing the right locksmith will make a difference.

Not Sure, Just Ask

When it comes to finding the right locksmith for your needs, even if you don't see the service listed on their website, ask if they provide it. Locksmiths, such as The Professional Locksmith, have the ability to provide several services other locksmiths may not provide. If you ask, you might just find exactly what you're after.

When it comes down to it, the answer to the question, does every locksmith provide the same services, is simply, No! Some locksmiths do more than others and it's a good idea to know what a locksmith can provide before hiring them, especially if you think you'll need more than just a simple service.

Top 3 Benefits of Using a Mobile Locksmith Service

It's not uncommon for people to never think about a locksmith until they need one. Usually, this happens when you're stranded on the side of the road or in a parking long and your keys are dangling in the ignition of your car, but the doors are locked. This is the time when you start thinking about your locksmith needs.

When there's an emergency and you cannot get into your car, home or office, you need the best mobile locksmith service in Chicago. There are several significant benefits to a mobile locksmith service that you gain. Not only will they be able to help you any time of the day, but they also tend to respond very fast when you need them the most.

If you're in need of a locksmith, or you're just planning for the possibility of needing one in the future, it's important to understand the benefits of a mobile locksmith service. Here are three of the best benefits.

Chicago’s Best Mobile Locksmith Company

24/7 Availability

Emergencies happen at the wrong time of day. Maybe you don't normally stay out late, but you decided to one night. Of course, this would be the once in a blue moon time that you locked your keys in your car and you can't get home.

Mobile locksmith services in Chicago are available 24/7 making it possible to get the help you need, no matter the time of day or day of the week. You get the immediate help you need without any need to panic.

Fast Response Time

One of the biggest benefits of a mobile locksmith service is the fast response time. Since they are mobile, they are usually out and about on other jobs. This means they can quickly get to you without any issue. In fact, you may get lucky and they could be right down the road from you when you call.

A mobile locksmith can respond very quickly when you have an issue with your office keys, home keys or car keys. They will arrive as fast as possible to get your life back to normal.

Service All Locations

Since these locksmiths are mobile, they can service any location in Chicago. It doesn't matter where you're stranded, a mobile locksmith can help. With the ability to go wherever they are needed, these locksmiths are a bit like superheroes.

Along with these three major benefits, mobile locksmiths come with the right tools and they provide incredible professionalism. They have every tool they need to help you right in the vehicle they are driving. This means they don't have to go back to an office to make a key or to get the right part or tool.

When you call the right mobile locksmith service, you'll get a trained professional ready to handle your issue immediately. These are just a few of the many benefits you gain from a mobile locksmith. With the fast response times, 24/7 availability and ability to service all locations, you'll be back to normal in no time.

Essential Locksmith Tools - What the Pros Use

Are you thinking about setting up your own locksmith’s kit for the next time you accidentally lock yourself out of the house or car? You’ve probably tried some of the classic techniques like opening a lock with a credit card or hairpin, but now you’re ready to get some actual locksmith supplies.

Having your own locksmith tools can help you the next time you’re in a jam or you don’t have access to a phone to call a professional locksmith. Take a look at what the professionals use so you can pick up a few of the essentials for your collection.

Essential Locksmith Tools

A hook

A hook is a handy tool to have next time you need to pick your lock and don’t want to rely on a paperclip. It has many uses, allowing you to use it upside down or use it for a “bitch” pick. It offers a great deal of diversity for single pin picking and other uses.


Be sure to pick up a hand-held scope to help you when working in tight spaces or handling tiny parts. The scope helps you when you’re adjusting something tiny to make sure you’ve done it right. Keep one at home and in your car.

The Rake

Whether you go with a City rake or a Bogata rake, these are handy locksmith’s tools that are the most popular for a personal collection. The City rake or an L rake looks like a saw blade, giving the look of a city skyline. Since the blade works like a saw, it can be used in a rocking motion in the keyway to act like the bitting on the key.

Many beginners choose the Bogota rake because it’s used the standard way where you’d move the tool in and out of the keyhole quickly. Sometimes the keyhole can’t accommodate a rake, but it’s good to at least have a Bogota on hand.  

Key Extractor

If you end up with a broken piece in your key slot, a key extractor is going to help you get the jammed key out smoothly. You’ll need this to remove a foreign object stuck in your key slot. This can happen by accident or from an attempted theft, but locksmiths always keep this tool on hand.

Installation Templates

When it comes to installing a new lock system, an installation template is the way to go. They help you get the holes for the drilled done correctly instead of trying to guess where to drill. It will save you time and the potential of damage.

Tension Wrench

 A tension wrench is a biggie for locksmiths. While you can technically pick a lock without one, it makes it much easier and faster with a tension wrench. You won’t find yourself worrying about staying steady when doing work or having to start over again, just use the tension wrench to stop any unwanted movement. Much of a locksmith’s work requires a tool that will make things a bit easier to do. The tension wrench is the locksmith’s favorite tool.

Lock Pick Guns

A lock pick gun is another winner that you’ll want in your essentials kit. It goes much faster than manually picking the lock and it’s safe for the lock if you are trained in using it properly. You’ll find them today with features like externally powered electronics parts too.

For the Car

Be sure to stock the car with a few essentials that will help you when you need it with your vehicle. One of the worst things that can happen to a vehicle owner is to lock their keys inside the car, and if you aren’t able to reach a locksmith, it can be a lifesaver to have a few tools on hand to be able to help yourself. 

Locksmiths are going to use tools like Slim Jims, wedges, automotive lock picks, long reach tools, and auto jigglers to help with a variety of vehicles and issues. Be sure to have these on hand to help you get back into your vehicle in an emergency.

What tools does a locksmith use? These are some of the things the pro’s use that you may want to have in your essentials kit. What better way to feel more secure than to buy your own professional locksmith tools and to have on hand the same supplies the professionals use?