How to Know When it’s Time to Replace Your Doors

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Doors don't last forever, but you might not think about replacing them very often. Depending on the type of doors you have and what you replace them with, you can add curb appeal and even value to your home. If you're considering replacing your doors, here are a few signs it's time to do so.

Top 5 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Doors

1. It Looks Old or Outdated

While an old or outdated-looking front door may just need a coat of paint, it could also need to be replaced. Inspect the door to see if it's in good shape or if it's starting to show signs of wear. If the door is in good shape, replacing the hardware with new locks and hinges, along with a coat of paint might be all you need for a curb appeal boost.

2. The Door is Damaged

If you find signs of damage when inspecting a front door, back door, or any other door, it's time to replace it. You don't want to have less security due to a damaged door. Instead, make sure you have the door replaced or repaired as soon as possible.

3. Your Utility Bills Have Gone Up

A small increase probably has nothing to do with your doors, but if you notice your utility bills have gone up over time, your door might be causing a draft. This can be a sign it's time to replace your door and gain the energy-saving benefits of a new door that's properly installed by experts.

4. It's Hard to Open and Close

A door that is hard to open and close may not be properly installed. It can also be a sign that the hinges are sinking and the door needs to be replaced. When you get a workout just opening and closing the door, it's time to consider replacing it.

5. Moisture Between the Glass

When you have a glass door or glass in your front door, if it has two panes, you might end up with moisture between the panes. If this happens, it's a sign it's time to replace the door. This could lead to mold or mildew and it's a bigger problem than you might think. Don't put off replacing this type of door or you could end up dealing with an even bigger issue.

There are many signs you need to replace your front door, back door, or any other door in your home. A new door can help to boost your curb appeal, offer better security, create an inviting entryway, and even help you save on your energy bills.

When it's time to replace your old door or upgrade the hardware, make sure you hire a good locksmith to handle the job. Not only can a good locksmith install a new door for you, but they can also make recommendations for the most secure locks for your home. If you need to replace your door in Chicago, call The Professional Locksmith today!