How to Properly Care for Your Iron Gate After Installation

You decided you wanted to enhance your property and you had The Professional Locksmith install an iron gate. It looks fantastic and you couldn't be more pleased. But, how do you properly care for your iron gate after installation?

ProLock Iron Gate Installation

There are several things you need to know about iron gates when it comes to caring for them. Here are a few tips to help you care for your new iron gate.

Apply Protective Wax

Depending on the type of iron gate you have, it may be a good idea to add a protective coat of wax to your gate. Some iron gates tend to rust due to exposure to humidity and rain. With a coat of wax, you can keep your gate protected from rust and it will look amazing for many years to come.

Clean it Regularly

Every so often, your new iron gate will need to be cleaned. It's best to use a mild cleanser during the cleaning process and a non-abrasive cloth. Don't let the water actually dry on the iron gate as it could stain or damage it due to the hard minerals and chemicals found in tap water.

You'll want to dry the gate with a sponge or cloth and never use caustic cleaners on your iron gate. Surface sprays, window cleaners, and any harsh chemicals may permanently mar your gate.

Remove Rust

Your new iron gate won't have any rust, but over time, rust may show up. If you do find any rust on your iron gate, you want to remove it. This can be done easily with sandpaper. Just rub away the rust and, if necessary, you can repaint the gate once the rust has been removed.

Paint Your Iron Gate

While a layer of wax will help protect your gate from rust, paint works wonders to keep an iron gate in good condition, too. Instead of using wax, you can decide to paint your gate to help protect the iron from the air and moisture.

Keep it Oiled and Repaired

Iron gate hinges will need to be oiled every so often. If you notice a squeaky sound or another sound from the hinges, it may be time to get out the oil or grease. It's a good idea to apply oil or grease to the hinges at least once per year.

In addition, you want to make sure any missing fasteners or other repairs are made in a timely manner to your iron gate. If you don't address repairs quickly, they could turn into a bigger issue. If something you cannot fix has happened, such as the welds breaking, it's time to call The Professional Locksmith and let an expert fix your iron gate.

Along with caring for your new iron gate, you may want to beef up the security of your gate. Before it's installed, talk to an expert from The Professional Locksmith about boosting security with metal screens and other measures.

The Differences Between Common CCTV Camera Types

A CCTV camera is one used for your security system and there are several different types. The most common differences are found in the features and whether the camera can be used indoors, outdoors, or both. Let's look at a few types of CCTV cameras and how they are different.

cctv cameras

Dome Cameras

A very common type of CCTV camera, dome cameras are used for both indoor and outdoor surveillance. They are dome-shaped and come in many sizes with different colors to choose from. These types of cameras are vandal-proof, offer a wide-angle field of view, and provide unobtrusive surveillance. They can also act as a visual deterrent.

Bullet Cameras

Another type of CCTV camera commonly used with home and business security systems is a bullet camera. This type of camera has a cylindrical shape and may also be called a lipstick camera. It's a weatherproof and waterproof option for indoor and outdoor use, but mainly outdoor use.

Bullet cameras don't provide the same wide-angle field as a dome camera. They are designed to provide better focus and can have a very good range of vision with the right placement. This is a very durable type of camera often used as a deterrent outside. Bullet cameras tend to be larger than dome cameras, too.

PTZ Cameras

Commonly used in security systems with an operator, PTZ cameras offers features allowing the camera to pan, tilt, and zoom. You can move the camera with a joystick to see a specific area better, which is a feature you won't get with bullet cameras or dome cameras.

Day/Night CCTV Cameras

Another commonly used type of CCTV security camera is the day/night camera. This is a type of camera with technology allowing it to go from day to night and still pick up a quality image. Typically, the camera will switch from color to black and white when low light conditions are present.

IP Cameras

A very common type of CCTV camera used with both business and home security systems, an IP camera will allow you to monitor things from anywhere. This type of camera provides real-time footage with an app on your smartphone or over the internet.

While this is a feature of many different types of CCTV cameras, not all cameras will allow you to monitor them from anywhere. However, you can find dome cameras, bullet cameras, and other types of CCTV cameras with this type of feature.

Hidden CCTV Cameras

If you're trying to provide surveillance without being noticed, a hidden or spy camera is a good idea. This type of camera can be very small and blend in so nobody knows it's there. Unlike bullet cameras and dome cameras, these types of CCTV cameras are not easily seen or found when just looking around.

There are many different types of CCTV cameras with different features. Figuring out which one is best for your specific needs isn't always easy. You can hire a professional to assess your security needs and recommend the right CCTV camera for your needs.

Best Locks to Secure Your Storage Unit

If you’re thinking about finally getting that storage unit for those extras that just don’t fit in the house, it’s important to think about how you are going to secure it when you’re not around it. It’s a great place to put your belongings when you need a little extra space at home, you’re moving, or you have items that you only use during certain seasons of the year.

By Self Storage

By Self Storage (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

There is no need to hold onto holiday decorations or summertime equipment all year when you could be using the space in your home to function and live. Getting a storage unit can be a really handy way to get things out of one space temporarily and secure nearby, but make sure you are actually secure. Here is a look at the best locks you should consider getting to secure your storage unit from a break-in or vandalism.


One of the most common options for locking a storage unit is to use a padlock, which allows you to lock up your unit without having to worry about losing your keys. You can get a keyed option as well, but having the option to use a combination style through a closed-shackle combination lock will make life simple. In addition, the closed-shackle design of it is challenging to break into with a bolt cutter; all you have to do is remember your combination.

If you get a padlock that requires a key, you’ll need it to lock and unlock. You’ll have two keys, allowing you to keep one as a backup in case you lose the other. Be sure to get one of solid quality so that a bolt cutter can’t get through any soft metal casing or poor quality material. Get one with a hardened steel shackle, a 5-pin tumbler, and a double lock.

Combination lock

Next, you could choose a combination lock like the padlock. Combination locks allow you to unlock the unit through a set of numbers rather than a key. You can choose from a single dial lock or a multiple dial lock, depending on if you want several combinations to open the lock.

Single dial locks will be used by operating a single sequence of numbers and lining them up on a single rotating dial. You’ll have to know the sequence to open it, as well as the right order of numbers because there are discs inside that have to line up with the correct sequence. You’ll hear a click when you have the right sequence and a simple tug will open it.

A multiple dial combination lock works where several rotating discs are operating with a pin with teeth that hook into them. You’ll have to align the notches of the lock with the pin’s teeth to open it. This works well for your bike or your luggage, but it’s not recommended for storage units compared to a single dial lock.

Cylinder locks, maximum security padlocks, and general purpose locks

Other great options for your storage unit are cylinder locks if you have the ability to lock it directly to the storage door, general purpose locks since they are made of brass or stainless steel, and maximum security padlocks made from these same materials. These three options are another way to really add security to your storage unit that other locks can’t.

If you are ready for a storage unit but you’re not sure how to ensure your belonging’s security, make sure you check out these best lock options, first.

How to Choose a Commercial Safe for Your Office

Choosing the right safe for your office isn't always easy. A commercial safe needs to offer plenty of features to ensure you can keep your valuables protected. In addition, it has to offer you peace of mind when it comes to the security of running your business.

Not all commercial safes are the same. Many commercial safes offer similar features, but some will give you an extra level of security when added to your office. Here are some of the things to consider when choosing a commercial safe for your office.

Full Protection

Choosing the safe that will give you full protection should be first on the list. Consider what you will be keeping in the safe and choose a safe with the best features to protect your items.

You may need a torch resistant or tool resistant safe to ensure your belonging are protected from intruders.

In addition, you may need a specific type of safe for specific reasons. For example, a retail store may need a drop safe or a deposit safe to ensure employees can make drops without opening the safe. Others may prefer an office safe with a high fire rating.


The location of your office safe should be a factor, as well. Will you be keeping it under a desk, in a wall, in the floor, or in another location? This can impact the type of safe you choose.

Some safes are specifically designed to be kept in the floor, while others fit better under a desk or in the wall. It depends on what you need and the space you have for the safe.

a small safe for an office


Depending on what you may be keeping in the safe, you may need a larger or smaller safe. Size does matter as choosing the right size can be difficult. For most businesses, you want a safe large enough that someone cannot easily pick it up and walk off with it. However, if you get something too large, it could become a nuisance.

Choosing the right size may depend on where you plan to keep the safe, as well. Consider the location of the safe, along with the things you plan to keep in it before you make a decision on the size.

Security Level

Of course, you want the best protection possible, but you may not need a high security safe if your budget won't allow for one. However, if you need a high security safe, you will likely spend more, but you will have a safe with a high fire rating, drill prevention, and many other great security features.

Choosing the right commercial safe for your office can be difficult. The size, location, security level, and protection you need will make a pretty big difference when looking at the options.

Take your time and compare a few safes before choosing. It may be a good idea to consult an expert to help you with the decision. An expert may also be able to install your new safe properly.

When Will You Need a Locksmith to Open a Safe?

Your safe gives you a place to store valuables and keep your things secure. No matter what you store in your safe, it can become rather stressful if you cannot figure out how to get it open.

Locksmiths can help with anything from installing a safe to opening a safe you cannot get into. Here are the times you should consider hiring a local locksmith to help you get into your safe.

picking a safe lock

You Broke the Key in the Lock

If the key broke off in the lock, you will need a locksmith to help you get into your safe. It's not a time to panic as this is a solvable issue, but you will need some assistance.

Often, this happens when you look through a loved one's belongings after they have passed away. You may discover a safe with a corroded lock or key and try to open it. Then, the key beaks and you cannot get into the safe.

Of course, this can happen with any safe that requires a key. If the key breaks in the lock, call a local locksmith for help.

You've Lost the Key or Combination

The most common reason you will need a locksmith to open a safe for you is a lost key or combination. Don't try to break into the safe yourself as you will likely damage it and you could hurt yourself. Instead, call a professional locksmith and they can use the proper tools to get into the safe without causing damage to it.

Jammed Bolts

In some cases, the bolts on a safe may jam and you cannot get it open. Even with the right key or combination, you cannot get in and you need the help of a locksmith.

Jammed safe bolts can happen when the safe malfunctions and a locksmith will know how to get into your safe.

Lockout Mode Engaged

If you have a more advanced safe that offers a lockout mode, you may need a locksmith if this mode becomes engaged. Most commonly, this happens because you forgot your combination code and entered it wrong too many times. This will trigger the lockout mode to go into effect and you will need a locksmith to get into the safe for you.

This feature is common on electronic safes and you will need a locksmith with the ability to work with an electronic lock. Maybe you didn't enter the code wrong, but someone tried to break into your safe and triggered the lockout mode. Either way, a good locksmith will help you get into the safe.

Damage to the Safe

Whether the internal components or the wiring has been damaged, a damaged safe may not let you in. It could have become damaged due to neglect, an attempted break-in or another reason. No matter the reason, if you have a damaged safe you need help getting into, a locksmith should be your next call.

Anytime you cannot get into a safe you own, you should call a locksmith before attempting to break in on your own. A locksmith will likely be able to get into the safe and also keep it from becoming damaged in the process.